Friday, March 20, 2009

Paleo: Loner, Page 23

Drawing things in heavy shadow or low light is a tricky thing. Thinking about the other guys in the studio (Berger, Dooney, Talbot) they all seem to have a better grasp of it than I do. It's such a beautiful thing when it's done well. I'm noticing in my drawing lately, and it's totally intentional, that I'm trying to incorporate more blacks, although they seem to have a certain characteristically abstract quality. Sometimes it works better than other times.

I hope this piece reflects the dark mood I was going for.


  1. Very nice. It gets the dark mood.

  2. -->> yeh it works well here.

    Sad tone .. for the whole panel ..


  3. Not sure what mood you were going for, Jim, but I love the composition and the juxtoposition between white and black.

  4. To be clear, I didn't mean "not sure what mood you were going for" as any kind of insult or anything. I simply meant I can't comment on whether you successfully achieved the mood you intended or not b/c I don't know what you were going for, that's all.

  5. WOW. This black and white image would make a killer print man...
    Nice work...

  6. That looks amazing, man! Fantastic page. It'd make a great promo piece too (I actually thought it might be a poster when I saw the little blogger preview).

  7. Awesome page. The mood is very strong. I can't wait to read this comic someday.

  8. Just great. I am loving the dark tones. This nice piece is sitting on my PC's desktop now. Looking forward to the new Paleo OGN. Jim, i am a huge fan of your work from TMNT, seeing you evolve into your unique style of today's through the years. I am re-reading my Mirage collection nowadays. And it is a joy to watch that evolution. What a pity i had missed the original Paleo TPB, but with surprise i found it at an online site and it arrived yesterday. As i said i love all your work but the detail level in that Paleo book is the best.

  9. It definitely has a dark atmosphere. Love how the puddles look!

  10. That is a really dramatic and strong piece... I really like it.

    Wait a minute-- heavy shadow or low light is a tricky thing...they all seem to have a better grasp of it than I do.
    Seems to me that Leonardo Blind Sight #1 was a pretty impressive study in dark and light. Very Frank Miller-esque in feeling. That may not be exactly what you were talking about, but as far as conveying the mood through more blacks I think you do a very good job!
