Last week I wrapped up the pencilling of Dan's Tales issue (63) which is the sequel to the Leatherhead/Marlin story that was Tales 50. As well, Pete had given me the script for TMNT 32 about a month ago and had asked me recently when I thought I might be able to get started on it, so I used the pause in my schedule to do the layouts on that book.
These things finished, a little time away really appealed to me. I took Thursday and Friday off, and rode the Yamaha up to Lake George, NY- where there was a big motorcycle rally going on. Americade attracts bikers on a national scale and many thousands show up to enjoy the great roads and scenery of the Adirondacks region of New York. From there I rode north and spent the night in Ticonderoga.
Day 2, I had the great idea to ride to New Hampshire and the White Mountains. It took me a lot longer than I thought it would, I think just because there is no really good direct route. Still, I got to see tons of rural Vermont and NH and the weather was superb so I can't really complain too much. 2 pm got me into Lincoln, on the Western end of the Kancamagus. This highway runs up through the mountains and is just a spectacular ride. After that, my goal achieved, I headed home.
My ass screaming for mercy, I pulled into my driveway at 8 that night. Total mileage, about 630.